Anyone have any good recommendations of a place that has good slip covers for sofas and loveseats, either online or in-store? I need two and pronto! :)
We have a tenant for our house. Not our most perfect situation but we are very excited to be able to help someone else out and to have our mortgage paid. I had some help in the yard yesterday but am really not too happy about it. I paid two older men I know very well AHEAD OF TIME MIND YOU to go over and help me out. I told them what all I needed done and explained that if they would let me know when they would be going, I would meet them over there to show them my requests since I paid them up front. Well, these two decided to get away with very little for a very lot of my money. Anyway, moving on......
Got lots to do today both at work and at home. And then it's a lazy evening and night thanks to Redbox and Orville Redenbacher.
The End :)
Jerk Chicken Quesadillas
3 hours ago
Sorry about your yardwork woes....
And sorry I don't know of a good place to buy slipcovers.
walmart sells slipcovers.
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