Thursday, March 5, 2009

I Don't Have Time For This...

Apparently the wee one in the house has this stinkin' "fever virus" as they are calling it. Too many kiddos are being sent home from school with this stuff. Just a 102.8 fever and a very lovely sounding cough for us so far. So this is what my grocery shopping looked like this morning:

I also had to pick up these books for myself. I have some things to take care of on the computer today, but other than that not much else to do so I had to indulge a little. This one I just saw and liked. I LOVE Debbie Macomber so this is my next read. I haven't seen the movie but I've heard it and the book are awesome so I picked this one up too. And I have caved...oh yes I have...and said I would never...nope never...don't even get in to those kinds of stories...but I am now the proud owner of this. So here I go to lay on the couch and enjoy these books while hopefully avoiding the germs. Guess I'll get to wash sheets and spray tons of Lysol later. Oh boy! :)

1 comment:

Amber said...

TWILIGHT! Be still my heart! (I caved, too, and so glad I did!)

We had that same goofy virus a few days ago....hope she feels better soon!