Wednesday, March 4, 2009

A Case Of The Yucks

Anyone else out there feeling so tired today? Ugh... We just can't get well at our house. I'm hoping we can have some time this weekend to get out in the warm weather and feel alive again. Life isn't quite as hectic this week as the past few weeks. THANK GOODNESS! :) Y'all just please continue to help us pray that our house and car will sell quickly. Like right now... heehee! Please and thank you... I am going to have Ronnie post about his class soon. It makes me nervous to even talk to him about it. He is taking it all in stride but it has my stomach in knots. The class is VERY difficult-they are being filled full of information-and I'm keeping my fingers and toes crossed (is that possible?) that all goes well. I have faith in him! More to come soon...

1 comment:

Tina said...

There was something odd about today. I felt in a weird mood for most of the day and the kids at work were all kind of whacko today also. Something in the air, I guess.