Thursday, December 30, 2010

Christmas 2010

Lovin' the title? Oh yeah, me too! I decided to lump all the rest of our holiday happenings together or else you may never see them. Editing photos takes so long and we have a ton more than what I have shown you so far.

But to show you how we spent our Christmas 2010 {Germany style}, here's a glimpse.....

We enjoyed seeing the little bit of lights we were able to find this year.......

And we always allow lil miss to open one gift of her choosing on Christmas Eve.......

In this box, she found American Girl Doll School. {Apparently this is the new hip thang...}

And this allowed for hours of good clean fun for most of the day.......

On Christmas morning, we discovered the loot in our stockings.......

Then we got right down to business as lil miss would say.......

We did not take as many pictures as we usually do, simply because we are REALLY enjoying being under one roof again. And I am usually the picture snappin' crazy woman on any day but it just didn't happen this year. And we ♥ LOVE ♥ the fact that Neeley is in her jammies, and Ronnie and I are hanging out in our t-shirts. It was a very comfortable day with just the three of us, lil Anna Banana, lots of snow on the ground, and good food in our tummies. It was probably the most relaxing holiday we have had in years and yes though we missed all of our friends and family from back home, it was also nice to not have to stress about being everywhere.

Here's hoping your holiday was equally as pleasant. And Cheers to the New Year.......

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