Is it Wednesday already? And almost the middle of March? Good grief! :)
We're just back to the ol' grind in our lives after putting up with the fever virus last week. Yuck!
Neeley will be excited...I FINALLY heard back from the Girl Scout leader in Stuttgart today. They have over 300 girls in their mini-groups. Yes, 300 girls! And yes, mini-groups. Oh boy! She won't know what to do with herself. The current leader told me if we can get her transfer form sent in by the first of May she can go to camp with them this summer when we get there. She will miss the first one since it begins the day we actually fly there but she can go to another one they have in July with a sleepover and everything. I can just picture it now...over 300 girls at a sleepover. Remind me not to volunteer to help with that one. #1 on my to-buy list for that one if I am there: EARPLUGS! :)
Ronnie is still enjoying himself in Colorado. Here are a couple of pictures he posted a few days ago of the snow there. Apparently the weather is about as crazy as it is here. 70 one day and snowing the next. Enjoy!
Honey Corn Muffins
5 hours ago
And #2 on that list, TYLENOL!
That is one sleepover I wouldn't want to be matter how starved I am for girl time!
I'm a Brownie leader and when our cookie mom suggested we rent a couple of hotels rooms at a place with an indoor pool I laughed in her face and told her she was CRAZY. I can barely survive my 10...can't EVEN imagine 300.
Where was your husband? We live just north of Co Springs. And yeah, spring is WACKO here.
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