Sunday, February 28, 2010

Prayer Requests For This And That

I know some of our friends and family are the praying type, so here goes . . . I have several requests to put out there.

I have a 27 year old "friend" that I met through the Army Wives forums about 2 years ago. She has become the highlight of the forums and really a remarkable person. She is from the UK and has had major health complications for a while. By early August 2009, she had complained for almost a year about some degenerative spine thing she had going on and just generally never felt good. She was always putting information out there to let us know what was going on with her. That was the month that she got back in to "university" as they call it and she was so excited. She really seems to be a great person from her stories and what we know of her. Her fiance is in the military and she always had these funny stories and little blurbs that she always shared with us. Well . . . on September 8th, 2009, she suffered a pulmonary embolism her family has been told. She had been in a coma until this past week. The doctors were warning her family that they really did not know her outcome. She woke up this past week and can communicate a little but is in a permanent vegetative state. She is now completely blind and deaf and they feel she will stay this way. Please lift up her family. I know she isn't a friend in real life but we all feel like she is. Without even knowing us, she would mail us sweet cards and gifts and would always check in on each of us during deployments or just every day in general. So caring! Wow!

Also, we have several friends here who are struggling. The military men of the families are deploying, some families are just struggling in their marriages and in many other ways, one family is dealing with some educational disability issues with one of their children, and it just seems to be a time of turmoil for so many.

I would also like to share that we are still dealing with friend issues with Neeley. I tell ya, 7, 8, 9, 10 year old girls can be meanies! We never had such issues in Arkansas but they just continue to grow here. I keep thinking to myself and sharing with other mothers who seem to have the same concerns that perhaps it is the age and the beginning of the hormone fun we have yet to see, but I am ready for it to end.

Thank you so much for including these prayers in your daily devotional routines. I know that isn't all, but these are the biggies right now. I think we will all feel better and healthier when we start to see the sunshine again.

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Fasching Fun

Neeley did some research on the tradition of Fasching here in Germany in order to fulfill her requirements for a Girl Scout patch.

Fasching, once again is a time of celebration similar to Mardi Gras, leading up to the time of spiritual reflection during Lent. Wow, what a party! We had a trip scheduled with the USO to go to a fasching parade but because of the weather, the trip was cancelled. That's okay, we had our own party anyway.

Her first requirement was to make her very own fasching mask.

She also had to write a story on some things she learned. And she also got to participate in a fasching party during the Host Nation class at her school. How fun! She was asked to wear her mask to school that day for the party. She is really enjoying learning all about Germany and other countries here in Europe and we are still so thankful for these opportunities.

Monday, February 22, 2010

Right Now . . .

~ I'm reading this book and am loving it! Should have it finished today.

~ I am also listening to this book by Kathryn Stockett. The Army website allows us to download audio books for free! How cool is that!?! And I just found that out. Loving it! Neeley is even listening to some. And those that can't be heard can actually be read online and we are definitely taking advantage of that.

~ I'm not loving the fact that it has been snowing off and on again for the past day, mixed in between bursts of sunshine. Very weird weather!

~ I'm looking in to exercise programs, and think I have found one. Will share more later on that one once I finish my research.

~ We are thankful for good friends! We have had some fun things going on lately and I will share more in the next few posts.

Have a great week!

Thursday, February 18, 2010

It's A European Blizzard, Y'all!

Yes, we are getting even more snow. It has come down on us for days now. Post has been closed and school has been day by day. While I know many of the kids are really loving it, we are all kind of sick of it too. The only thing you can do to keep from going stir crazy is getting out in it and having some fun, which is just what we have been doing.

We are fortunate to have several little parks here on RB. Neeley and the other kiddos love them. We visited one on Monday just to get out of the house.

Can you see Neeley from all the snow? :)

As you can see, she headed straight for the swings.

Then we had a good ol' fashioned snow ball fight where I ended up with one in the face. LOVE the expression! :)

And I tried to retaliate but mine crumbled before I could even throw it.

We have never laughed so hard in our lives.

I really keep trying to remind myself that this is all about our experiences in Germany, but I have also told Ronnie that our next PCS better be to the beach.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Up To My Eyeballs I Am . . .

I'm up to my eyeballs in school work today which makes me very sad. I have another week of this mess. I am bound and determined to get everything turned in on Friday even if it kills me. Well, let's hope not. But I just want to be done so I can enjoy another busy weekend.

So, I leave you with this quote. I LOVE it and have been reading it over and over for days now . . .

Each time we face our fear, we gain strength, courage, and confidence in the doing. Anyone can give up, it's the easiest thing in the world to do. But to hold it together when everyone else would understand if you fell apart, that's true strength.

I am trying to decide how many more semesters I want to take this year and I think I may have one more under my belt before I take the summer off. I know, not at all what I had originally planned but I am in major burn out mode and it ain't pretty.

Well, it's back to the books I go. Y'all have a great week and if you don't hear from me for a while just know I am eye ball high in toothpaste market data and article scrapbooking. And maybe a lil cleaning here and there and some such . . .

Monday, February 15, 2010

Family Week

Last week was Family Week at Neeley's school. Every evening a different event was sponsored and we have really had some fun with it.

Monday night was dedicated to National History so the middle school kiddos had their projects on display. Historical dancing and other entertainment was provided along with foods from other countries. Yum Yum! It was so fun!

Tuesday night was Read In Your PJ's night . . .

The grade levels were divided up and the school librarian read to the 2nd and 3rd graders. Their theme was Adventures in Time & Space so he read some great books on those subjects.

Then the kids were served milk and cookies and sent home on a sugar high.

Wednesday night was Bingo and Chili. And I was so excited about winning my Swarvoski crystal vase that I forgot to take any pictures.

Thursday night was supposed to be Games - Unplugged night but the event was cancelled due to the snow and this crazy weather we are having. School was even closed on Friday which we have been told pretty much never happens here. Yes, it has been that bad. Yikes! Pics to come of that as well.

We have been so busy with school events and other things going on. My school is about to still send me over the edge but I only have one more week in this semester. Yay!

Sunday, February 14, 2010

This Calls For A Celebration

Celebrating 15 Valentine's Days and counting . . .

Missing my Valentine today. Hurry home! ;) Love you much!!

Hug Your Honey's Today

Saturday, February 13, 2010

How 'Bout A Lil Snow?

Ok, really, I know our Arkansas family and friends are wanting the snow but we are really not looking for any more snow in Germany. Seriously, we have been told this past week that this is the worst winter they have experienced in a while.

Friday morning we woke up to this . . .

And this was after I had shoveled for 2 hours Thursday evening and cleared the car Thursday afternoon. Wow!

Everything on post had been closed and cancelled since Thursday afternoon so we were ready to get out in it a bit by Friday afternoon. . .

Where are my feet?

Neeley had already been sledding with several friends that morning. It has been such a beautiful powdery snow that is great to play in, but it definitely keeps you stranded at home which is so new to us.

Snow, snow, go away . . . and wait another year 'til you come back, please!

Friday, February 12, 2010

Organizational Skills

I love that lil miss is as OCD as I am . . .

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

It's Somebody's Big Day!

Happy Birthday Nana!!!! We Love & Miss You!!!!

Monday, February 8, 2010


Don't Wake Daddy!!!!

This has been the best Thrift Shop find! Neeley and I have giggled for hours over this crazy game. It is really for a child a few years younger but she begged and begged for it so you know... :) Daddy has a button on him and you push it however many times the square you land on says to. He randomly pops up out of the bed every so often and that nightcap flies across the room. I wish you all could see Neeley's face when this happens. Priceless!!

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Another Day, Another Dollar.....Or, A Box Of Cookies

I never want to see another box of Girl Scout cookies ever. Well, maybe not 'til next year.

I'm just sayin'..........that we stood out in the freezing cold for four hours today just to get them out of here.

That's all...

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Where Have You Been & What Have You Been Up To?

This question was waiting for me in my inbox this morning, so thought I'd take a quick minute to update you all.

We are crazy, busy, all-over-the-place these days. Let's recap since my last newsworthy post, shall we?

Thursday, 28th - submitted my crazy Colgate/AAFES/make me wanna scream prelim. paper. I know I will get a big fat F on it, I just have this feeling. But it's turned in and I am just waiting on revisions.

Friday, 29th - Errands, errands, and more errands. Dentist exams for Neeley and I. Then preparations for a super fast crazy fun weekend. Ended the evening with a Sleep-In with our Girl Scouts. A Sleep-In is the Girl Scout prerequisite to Camping Out. So we had a Sleep-In at my friend Michelle's house with 13 screaming hyenas...I mean 13 beautiful, young, energetic 8 and 9 year olds. Fun until 11 pm and then lights out/quiet time. But we were up til 1 am. Oh boy!

Saturday, 30th - At the Sleep-In until about 11 am. Then errands, errands, errands. Everything is so spread out between the posts here that it does take you days and days just to get anything done because you spend all your time trying to get somewhere.

Sunday, 31st - Cleaned this nasty house! Oh my, it was gross if I do say so myself. Bought groceries. Cooked some fabulously yummy Colorado Green Chile for dinner. Paid bills, did laundry, you know the usual no fun domestic stuff.

Monday, February 1st - Is it February already? Wow!! Errands, as usual...followed by coming home to make a few necessary phone calls. Good lunch with a good friend. Picked Neeley up from school. Homework, homework, homework...oh boy! Mailed off my registration for Spring 2010 classes. Yikes! After the Spring semester, I will only have 15 hours left in my MBA. Hallelujah!! And did a bunch of other completely random domestic type stuff.

Tuesday, 2nd - started working on my digital article scrapbook I have to finish and submit by the 19th. Yikes! And that is on top of everything else I have to do as well as revising my Colgate nonsense. Boo..........

And that brings us to today. Working on the scrapbook. Ronnie is still away, but we talk to him often (hey hon!!) :). And for that I am thankful!

I better get back to it. I have no time for anything these days. I am so overwhelmed by these classes this semester and these aren't even my most difficult classes. I walk around most days feeling like I can't breathe. I cannot wait to just be done with this degree!! I know I've said that a million and one times already, but geez...

Neeley still continues to amaze me. She has taught herself to knit and is now teaching herself to sew by hand. She LOVES to make our trips to the Arts & Crafts Center on post. Think I know what to put in her Valentine's Day basket this year . . . hhmmm . . . :)

Y'all have a good one! And if you don't hear from me for a while, just know I am buried in 4,297 pieces of paper of some sort of another . . .

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Crafty Help

I need your crafty ideas, ladies . . .

I have this older-than-dirt gross green chair in my bedroom. It really needs to be recovered but I'm not about to do that here in Germany. I bought a black slipcover to match my bedroom but it is way too big. I'm talkin' swallow you alive kinda big. So, I need your advice . . .

Is there anything I can do to the cover to make it work? I know there is, but I just have no idea what that is. Please send your ideas. My resources are limited here across the ocean. :) I tend to be somewhat crafty and I can re-purpose stuff 'til no end, but on this one I am lost.

Please and Thank You . . .

Monday, February 1, 2010